Oh, Rudy.
First off, I love that we named you Rudy. It is perfect for you. You are a little hunk of love who loves to cuddle and burry yourself in the neck of whoever holds you.
You love to giggle with your brother and eat your toes.
If there is paper or a cord anywhere in this house...you will find it and try to eat it.
Nursing is pretty interesting these days. You'd much rather be socializing. You often take a break and bend over backwards to see who is there- grinning big at whoever you see! (Dad comes to talk to you mid-nursing on purpose because he loves how glad you are to bend back and see him.)
You LOVE splashing in the tub with brother, and I LOVE a naked Rudy. You are so perfectly round and solid and smooth. Baby skin doesn't get any softer than yours. My little butterball.
Shortly after your half-birthday, you first tooth made it's appearance. (bottom left to be exact) You really struggle with teething. It seems to hurt you more than it did Logan. Lots of tears and snuggles to get through that milestone.
You are rolling all over and have discovered the joy of sleeping on your tummy. You have challenged Mom and Dad to function on little sleep and look forward to the day when you realize sleep is actually pretty awesome.
Weight: 13 lbs 14 oz - 13th Percentile
Length: 25.75 in - 44th Percentile
What a joy you are, Ruder Tooter. You bring a sweet spirit to our home and make us all smile. You are all smiles and seem so ready to take on the world and grow up. I hope it doesn't happen too soon though because I will really miss the baby Rudy.

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