I am 10 1/2 weeks pregnant. There is a little heart beat inside of me. Soon I will have a belly to show for it. And I am thrilled! :)
I couldn't possibly explain the joy, anticipation, wonder, and love that I am feeling. I have had the time of my life sharing this news with those we love and thinking of the reality that we will soon have a little "us" in our home. From the day we found out, I have been enveloped with a sense of calm- and the repeated, confirming thought that this is what I am supposed to be doing right now in my life. Despite recent bumps in the road, I feel blessed to know that our Heavenly Father is happy with us, that blessings will come, and that everything will be okay.
These photos were taken at our 7 week appointment, the first we had. I arrived early and had my sit-down with the nurse where we talked about everything from my work-outs to what foods to stay away from.
Based on the calendar, I was given a due date of July 9th, but baby Rice's measurements estimated a date of July 11th. Keeping in mind the history of twins on my side, we were prepared (well- sort of), but totally content with seeing just one little heart flutter on the screen.

Then week 8 decided boring was no good and brought some intense and pretty darn frequent throwing up. After 3 days, a priesthood blessing, and feeling like I had nothing left, we felt it best to visit the ER. Mom was here to keep me company while Jeff was at work, so off we went to get some fluids and some medicine to help keep it under control.
I'm still waking up sick and feeling yucky most days, but I can't complain. It's all part of the job, right? -And a sign that things are working in there... so bring it on baby. :)
My appetite has been a funny thing. I have found myself thinking of a food that sounded okay and picking it up at the store- only to get home and think...no way.
Favorites so far have been anything potato, Jamba Juice smoothies, Taco Del Mar, and orange juice. Mama Rice, Critty and Gio came down a couple of weeks ago to make a pot of taco soup that totally satisfied.
Most nights Jeff examines my belly to see if there is any change yet. There is a little difference but I think it's more to do with my sporadic diet than baby!
Months before we got pregnant, I spent a Borders gift card on What to Expect at their closing sale. Maybe it is because I've been reading it for so long that I am getting antsy to see my belly grow.
Soon! Happy growing, baby Rice.
Congratulations X's a 100! I loved this post. Every sing word of it! You are so adorable and you will be the best mother ever. I have no doubts!
Oh I am so excited for you. I can't wait to see that beautiful baby bump as well!! Isn't pregnancy the craziest thing? It is so crazy, but so awesome all at the same time. It is incredible that there is a living, growing, tiny baby inside of you. Truly a miracle and gift from our Heavenly Father. I too, craved Taco Del Mar and smoothies!! Those were always my "go-go" satisfying meals!!
I want to see you soon!! LOVE AND MISS YOU!
I love this post! You are amazing sweet Lindsey :) I am SO thrilled for you! Beyond words! I totally loved mexican when I was pregnant... specifically Taco Del Mar. Perfect meal. I think we really need to party sometime soon. I miss you!
I hope you feel better soon! Pregnancy is so hard. But of course totally worth it. I sure miss you!
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