Also known as:
-Daisy Duke
-Daisy girl
-Dainty Daisy
- Elvis
Jeff and I adopted this sweet little pug from some family members a couple months ago. They wanted Daisy to be with a family that was home more often and could give her more attention. We're so grateful they thought of us because she has made us so, so happy and we just love her to pieces. (Look at that face!)
It has been fun for me to discover the joy dogs can bring. She really does warm our hearts and turns our bad moods around real quick.
Daisy and I were buds pretty quick but Jeff and her bonded this last week while I was at Girls Camp. I think it may have something to do with her getting to sleep at the foot of the bed while I was gone...? Anyway, the phrase man's best friend rings true with those two.
- Her tongue hangs out just a little bit... all the time.
- When you come home she puts her toy in her mouth and runs to you- she can't breathe real well so she sounds like a diesel truck.
- She has an under bite, and her upper lip gets caught on her teeth a lot (hence the 'Elvis' nickname).
- She can really clear a room (If you know what I mean...).
- She is tender hearted and has a very sensitive tummy.
- Jeff is teaching her how to cuddle- she's making progress.
She LOVES belly rubs- and pretty much gets them every time she gives you puppy eyes and rolls over...
Gus finally got his girlfriend. She loves him. We are pretty sure she wants to eat him though, so we watch pretty close. (see her licking her chops??)
She is such a good dog.
Thank you to the Dupenthalers for trusting us with your sweet pup.
We will take good care of her!
Sounds like your getting to know Daisy really well! The photo of her looking into the turtle cage is hilarious! See you in a couple weeks at the reunion!
Carmen :)
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