By day 6 we were exhausted, but still had some to-dos to check off.
As far as I'm concerned, one can never be too tired to enjoy waffles and pancakes. It took over an hour and a half of waiting to be seated at the famous Clinton St. Baking Co. for breakfast but it was totally worth it. After a couple pieces of french toast, some candies bananas, hot chocolate and some sugared bacon, we rolled- I mean strolled- out of there as happy as can be. (Yes, we shared.) If only they would have had this in my Dad's size, his butter-lovin' self would have this t-shirt:
At Washington Square Park, we rested our feet and watched these funny kids do tricks on their scooters.
I just love his fringe jacket. Before long, they argued over some space and, in true New York fashion, threw a few punches at each other before the nanny broke it up. Haha.
We walked through Chelsea Market (which was the old Nabisco factory) and Highline park, a neat park where the benches rolled on the old train tracks.
Next was nap time back at the hotel, then our goodbye meal with Jo and Mike. We ate at Oprah and Gail's favorite pizza shop- Maryella's. The staff all hung over the counters watching the Knicks game and yelling at the TV in heavy New York accents while we ate. It was great. :)
Joanne and I picked up some frozen hot chocolate mix to take home from the Serendipity Restaurant and then made our way to the subway to say our goodbyes.
Love ya Jo. ;)
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