And so, it is 3 months later, and before I get on with the latest happenings I still have more to tell about NYC.
(In case you were wondering, there are 7 days.) :)
This beautiful red brick building is where Jo's YSA Manhattan 3rd ward meets. Each meeting, we met more exciting people with more exciting stories. During Sacrament meeting, a singer/songwriter performed a beautiful song about the Savior. Then I learned a lot from the Sunday School teacher that was attending school to become a seminary teacher. Relief Society was conducted by the president who was a doctor, and the lesson was taught by an aspiring artist. I was amazed at the faith of the room-fulls of these young people- each with different goals and dreams, some struggling to make it in the big city. Pretty awesome. I wanted to hug them all!
Back at Jo's adorable studio apartment we whipped up some Italian grub, some of Nonie's best: Sausage and peppers, polenta, and salad. The whole building smelled like garlic, sausage, basil and tomatoes.

(Nonie, Joanne, Jo)

After Mike joined us for dinner we all found a comfy spot and ate Joanne's cupcakes.
Our curious questions about Jo and Mike's beginnings started a night of telling our love stories. This was one of my favorite parts of the whole vacation. Jo and Mike told us about the fun-awkward-flirty-
do they like me? phase of their dating; Nonie told us how she won over the star ball player and they danced nights away; Joanne told us about young sailor Mick and his flowing blond hair; then Joanne told us about her Mother's story of losing her soldier and later being swept up by Joanne's Dad who had loved her and waited for her for years. As Joanne said, it really is a movie-worthy story and we were all mesmerized as we listened to it.
We ended the night with a taxi ride to the Brooklyn bridge where we walked out to an amazing view of the city.
What a fun night. :)

The end.