At the end of February Joanne, Nonie and I packed up our warmest clothes and flew off to New York City for a week with Joanna.
This trip was amazing from the very start. Let's just say I am now inlove with Jet Blue! I'm not a huge fan of flying. Not because it scares me or I get sick- just because having my legs stuck in one cramped position while not being able to sleep at all... stinks. But this time. was. fantastic. I had plenty leg room, and when I wasn't sleeping (yes- snoozin'!) in my comfy seat, I was watching the Food Network and Reba reruns. When our night flight was about to land, we all looked at each other surprised it had gone by so fast.
I gave Nonie some headphones to use for the tv and it made me giggle every time she would turn to talk to me and it came out a yell, including her comment about how handsome the man in front of us was. Joanne and I would just turn to each other and smile each time. She is such a funny one, that Nonie. :)
Then it was time for our first taxi ride of the week. Forty-five minutes of traffic-swerving, speeding, first-ever feelings of car-sickness fun. It was great. We had arrived. :)
We made it to Jo's and climbed 4 flights to her adorable apartment in Spanish Harlem (pictures to come). We all crashed to finish our night's sleep before Jo's boyfriend Mike came over to meet us all.
(Joanna and Mike on our way to The Statue of Liberty)
Visiting the Statue of Liberty was the perfect start to the week. On the crowded boat ride out, you couldn't help but imagine the boatloads of immigrants who saw her as the start to a new life.

Next we took the ferry to Ellis Island to search for Nonie's Italian ancestors' records. We found her Grandfather's signature- Luigi Camerota! When we made it to the registry room she kept saying, "My family sat on these benches!" :) It was a neat experience. Back at home I found this website that has some stories from immigrants. I especially love the first and last one.

That night we brought our luggage to the hotel- which was located right in between Time Square and Central Park. We had a NY size dinner at a deli accross the street, took our first stroll through Time Square, and said goodnight.

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