For several years Katie and Mom and I have been talking about taking a trip to Salt Lake together to go to General Conference. (I cheated and took that trip with my honey first. They understood. :)) We usually all curl up on Mom and Dad's sectional in our PJs for conference and enjoy a delicious Woodhouse pancake breakfast in between sessions. But this time- we were excited to pack up and actually be there!
But before I get to our experiences at Conference, I want to say a few things about our sweet family that we were able to spend time with.
The morning after we landed in Salt Lake, I went to see my cousin Chels- the very talented owner of 'The Cutting Crew' hair salon. Here she is working her magic- one piece of foil at a time...!
This is cousin Jen's sweet little Acacia and their bird Salsa. She is a ham and about as sweet as they come. She made us smile all weekend. Love ya kiddo.
I was so excited when I heard my cousin Melissa and Uncle Greg were in Utah. I hadn't seen Melissa since I was little. I don't have many memories with her, but I do remember going to the city ballpark to watch her play baseball games. I remember looking up to her because she was (and holy cow... still is) so beautiful- and she could play baseball. She was just so cool. :)
Thanks for the date at Chilis, I miss you!
Something else I took away from this trip was some good conversation with Uncle Scott. I'm thankful for our chats we had at the breakfast table while jamming to Eric Clapton- and your BBQ chicken. (Delicious!)
This family is always up for a good card game. I caught my sweet, innocent mother peeking at my cards several times so I had to tease her and document it.
I'm pretty sure that you have a double-sized heart too! And that picture of you and Jeff at the top is so cute!
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