Whenever Jeff and I take a certain road on our way to the mall, we drive on a 'Harry Henderson' road. Jeff has started to ask me where we are every time we are on it, just because he knows I love to say, "This is the Harry Henderon road" and laugh at myself. This is the kind of road that is a little narrow, and bordered by tree covered rain forrest areas on both sides- one that looks like Harry himself could jump right out in front of you. What a great movie. You will want a Bigfoot for a pet after watching this one..aaw Harry.
4. Three Amigos.
This is one of the first movies I made sure Jeff and I had in our collection when we got married. If I have some cleaning to do or need a pick-me-up, this is the one I pop in the DVD player. The funny parts in this movie never get old. When we were little, my brothers and I would sometimes hang out around the dinner table after everyone else had left and end up laughing hysterically about something. Our animated quotes from this movie were the source of that laughter many times. Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us prolong the "whose turn for dishes?" conversation with some good fun. I am sitting here giggling thinking of my favorite parts...!
Alright. When I finally got Jeff to sit down and watch this with me, he couldn't stop laughing. This was also a favorite that was quoted at the table, and Ty, I have to call you out on this one- my little brother Tyler does by far the best Goldie Hawn impression you have ever heard. I can hear it now, "I got poison oak too!..." You just have to watch it. There has not been a better romantic comedy since!
4. Three Amigos.
"Mount up!" Lucky day, Dusty Bottoms and Ned Nederlander: 3 lovable cowboys! Almost as lovable as El Guapo and his sweater. What a classic.
5. A Christmas Story.
This is perhaps the best of them all. A few years ago my Dad started a holiday tradition of a movie trivia game for all the couples in the family. This was the first year's pick and the award went to Nik and Ryan. Oh and my parents now have a leg lamp just like the one in this picture, courtesy of my sister a couple Christmases ago. (Great job Sis!)
We also loved Back to the Future, The Three Stooges, Flubber, the Home Alone series, The 3 Ninjas and Annie. We are in the middle of movie-watching weather so go grab one of these and laugh a little. :)
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