The girls (Mom, Jess, Nik, Taylor and Maddy) took me to see 'Ramona and Beezus.' It is my new favorite movie. I laughed, I cried, and was overcome with feelings of allover goodness. It never fails- sitting next to Maddy and listening to her giggle her way through the movie pops instant smiles on my face. I love, love, love each and every one of you and couldn't have thought of a better start to the day.
Then, it was off to Puyallup. Heidi, one of my favorite people of all time, hosted a lunch with all our girlfriends. Included in the many things I look up to her for are her cooking skills. Even if it is just finding a new recipe online to make, she picks the perfect things to put with it so that your taste buds and tummy are beyond satisfied. The birthday menu included homemade chicken fettuccine alfredo, cheese rolls and salad. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm. It hit the spot Heidi, you are amazing! A big thanks to all my gals for making me feel so loved. Oh and Heidi also gave me some of my favorite flowers. Aren't they pretty?
All throughout the day I would get cute text messages from Jeff making sure I was having the best day. (He was still at camp.)
When I got home and sat down at the computer I opened a gazillion emails and facebook messages. Again, I felt like the most loved 24 year old on the planet.
I ended the night by doing something I always do when I'm left without my Jeff for a few days- rented a couple girly movies (not that he wouldn't want to watch them...). :) I got in my pjs, ate the biggest root beer float of my life and painted my toes while watching 'Valentine's Day' and 'The Bounty Hunter.' The last time he was gone I watched 'Marley and Me' and sobbed the night away. I guess I picked the latter to make sure that didn't happen again!
This will go in the books as one of the best birthdays ever. I didn't let missing Jeff make it a sad day. Instead of moping, I was just giddy at the thought of him coming home the next day. I can't say exactly why, but I have a really good feeling about this next year. I will be done with school and starting a new job and who knows what other changes will come along. All I know is that I am loving the way it has started.
24 is going to be a great year for me...I can feel it. :)
Sorry I am such a loser and barely reading these! (I love your blog by the way!) Thanks again for mentioning me. It was very much my pleasure to do that for you. You, too, are one of my favorite people in the whole world, so I would do it again and again for you! I am glad that you had such a great day and I 24 will be a great year for you! Love you!
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