Logan is at this wonderful age. The wheels are constantly turning. He is noticing everything around him and soaking it all in. He is connecting the dots and saying new things all the time. Here are a few of my favorite memories:
This Christmas he has been so interested in the story of Christ's birth. He was so delicate and precise putting ornaments on the tree and when it came time for the star, his face lit up and exclaimed, "Jesus born!" He seems to have such reverence whenever he sees a picture of Baby Jesus. His sweetness is a constant reminder for us to slow down and just remember.
- Dad's car recently broke down:
"Le Grand" was good to us but sadly had seen her last day on the road. Logan has been very empathetic and constantly asked us sadly "Daddy's car broke? " One day when he knew Dad was sad about it he disappeared and soon returned with one of his hot wheels for Dad exclaiming "new car!!" He was so happy to help fix the problem. Sweetheart.
Prayers with Logan have been hit and miss. Sometimes we have sweet experiences and other times he absolutely refuses. Sounds about right for a 3 1/2 year-old, though, right? One day when walking into QFC he simply asked me "prayer?" So I explained to him that we can pray anywhere, anytime. So, he popped a squat right there on the sidewalk, bowed his head, folded his arms and uttered a quick "Father.. (something, something)...AMEN!" Then stood up and continued his walk with me in to the store. Ha. Anytime, anywhere, buddy!
Logan came home from school one day and said sincerely "Miss you, Mom...at school." It got quite the reaction out of me so now he says it most days after school. It never gets old.
He is learning his letters and since we live near the University, his favorite is W- because it is everywhere. And he points them out- every one of them- whether they are on a sign or someone's sweatshirt. W!!!!
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