In January we joined the Rices in Palm Springs for a week.
It was so refreshing to leave our daily tasks behind and see palm trees and sunshine.
(The Stripes Family {?} before the plane ride of our lives...)
After we packed everything, dropped off Daisy at my sister's, left the car at the mechanic's to be repaired while we were gone, picked up the stroller from the Rice's, spent the night at my parent's, and made it on the plane even though it was leaving a half hour sooner than I had thought (oops), we took a deep breath and relaxed knowing we had made it and were on our way to a carefree week.
The plane ride was a scary one. The mountains that surround the desert make it a big bowl of wind, which made for an interesting landing. Serious turbulence had us holding on tight to each other while others were getting sick and others yelling. I prayed so hard that we would land safe. I truly do not remember a time I have been so scared. But it is experiences like that which we have the choice to pray for help and feel peace and comfort come over us. I know our prayers are heard- every one of them. Thanks Mom and Dad for teaching me how. I never want to experience that kind of plane ride again, but I am thankful for what I learned from it. How great is it that wherever we are, we can call upon Him for help?
Pretty awesome, if you ask me.
Ooh... and as far as Logan was concerned, it was the best bouncy game ever. While his parents were quietly freaking out, he giggled at every big jump of the plane. That must have been why he cried the entire plane ride home- no turbulence. Bummer.

(Do you see cheeks?!)
This was the sweetest thing. We bunked with Mom and Pop Rice. Each morning they would get to Logan before we did, and this is how we would find them- giggling and playing in bed. I think they like being Grandparents? :)
(After church on Sunday.)
(Watching the craziest Seahawk game ever as they tried to make it to the playoffs. Sad, sad, sad.)
(Look what we claimed at the gate!)
The guys played lots and lots of golf, while us girls and baby boy went shopping and found him and Aunt Wendy their wedding outfits. We walked past the flamingos on our way to the spa, ate lunch on El Paseo Drive, walked the big farmer's market and relaxed at the beautiful villas.
So thankful my hardworking hubby got a well-deserved break.
Love you Mr. Rice...and all you other Rices too. :)